Terms of use of the forum
The forum is a place of expression open to all. You are invited to express yourself freely while respecting everyone's opinions and rights.
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This space for expression offers you the opportunity to debate and exchange views on the themes proposed to you by the organizers of the forum. If you wish, you can read the messages or participate in the exchange by registering. The data concerning you that you transmit to us will only be used to ensure the functioning of the forum service. They will in no case be transmitted to third parties without your prior authorization, except legal requirements. You can, if you wish, use any pseudonym that you wish to choose in accordance with the following rules: pseudonyms relating to the insult of injury, evoking obscene, coarse words, situations or practices of a nature are prohibited. sexual or offensive to human dignity or morality. Also prohibited are pseudonyms that may lead to a risk of confusion in the mind of the public as to the author of the message or its quality or qualification, as well as those referring directly or indirectly to a protected trade sign that the use of the pseudonym either denigrating or not.
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You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (article 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978). You can, at any time, request that your contributions to this discussion space be deleted. Requests concerning the right of access, modification and rectification must be sent by mail, accompanied by proof of identity to the person or service in charge of the right of access and rectification, mentioned in the section " Legal notices ”of the forum.
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Participation in the forum is free but by registering and contributing by sending a message you acknowledge having read and accept the conditions of use of the forum.
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When you post a message, it is likely to be read by a large number of people, or even all Internet users for forums or public discussions, this act of editing may engage your personal responsibility, so you should 'be careful and measured.
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The contributions you post in the forum must be related to the proposed discussion topics.
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Moderate forum a priori
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This forum is moderated a priori, the messages you post in the forum will not be put online directly but will be read beforehand by the moderator (s). They are the only ones empowered to decide whether to publish a message. The publication of a posted message in no way exonerates you from your responsibility for its content. Forum moderators and organizers reserve the right to delete posts at any time.
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Moderate forum a posteriori
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This forum is moderated a posteriori, the messages you post are directly published without any prior checking. It is your responsibility to ensure that your contributions do not harm others and comply with applicable regulations. The organizers of the forum and the moderators reserve the right to withdraw any contribution that they consider inappropriate, inappropriate, contrary to the laws and regulations, to this charter of use or likely to directly or indirectly harm third parties.
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The messages which are not related to the topics of discussion or to the subject of the forum can be deleted without notice by the moderators. Without prejudice to any disciplinary or legal proceedings, contributions which:
1.incite discrimination based on race, sex, religion, hatred, violence, racism or revisionism
2.incite the commission of crimes
3.are contrary to public order and good morals,
4.pologize for crimes or offenses and particularly murder, rape, war crimes and crimes against humanity,
5.are offensive, defamatory, insulting or rude
6. manifestly infringe the rights of others and particularly those which damage the honor or reputation of others,
7. are related to a clearly commercial interest or have a promotional purpose not relevant to the forum.
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The use of a pseudonym does not make anonymous, in accordance with the legislation the technical service providers are required to keep and submit to the judicial authority the connection information (log, IP, date / time) allowing the continuation of the perpetrator of an offense. All the necessary information will therefore be kept for the legal period provided for. They will be destroyed at the end of the legal retention period.
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The forum organizers reserve the right to exclude from the forum, temporarily or permanently, any person whose contributions are in contradiction with the rules mentioned in this document. The organizers will be able to transmit to the police or justice authorities all the documents or documents posted on the forum if they consider it their duty to inform the competent authorities or that the legislation requires them to do so.